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It has been said that a community’s vitality can be measured in part by the voluntary contributions of it’s leaders. The vision of Leadership Pensacola is a community filled with leaders who are well informed, committed and have the desire to inspire positive change in the Pensacola area.

What is Community Action?Fifty years ago, under the leadership of President Lyndon B. Johnson, the U.S. Congress enacted the bill known as the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 in an effort that began under the watch of President John F. Kennedy before his assassination. Johnson took up and expanded these efforts to eradicate poverty, calling the move an unconditional war. In his State of the Union Address in 1964, Johnson declared,
“It will not be a short or easy struggle, no single weapon or strategy will suffice, but we shall not rest until that war is won.”
The variety of initiatives introduced as a result of the act included Head Start, Job Corps, Work-Study programs, Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), and Neighborhood Youth Corps. One of the bill’s more radical components was the introduction of Community Action Agencies, as they prescribed direct involvement from individuals in low-income communities to address the needs of the poor. This action was a departure from how social reform programs were structured in the past.
Like its sister agencies across the state and nation, the Community Action Program Committee, Inc. (CAPC) in Pensacola, Florida, was born out of this concept. Although much has changed in the half century since Johnson’s declaration of the war on poverty, CAPC continues to serve the needs of individuals and families who are struggling and working to achieve self-sufficiency.
We will carry on CAPC’s legacy of service to the community by forging valuable connections to further our mission. Connections with other organizations in Northwest Florida are key to identifying individuals with unmet needs and to directing them to the best possible solutions. Strengthening connections within the agency is important as well. Working together, the CAPC staff can maximize each program’s effectiveness and efficiency in order to help those we serve.
CAPC has produced positive outcomes for many, but the fight must continue. And in the words of President Johnson, “we shall not rest.”
Linda Moultrie
Board Chair
Women building better communities. That’s the Junior League of Pensacola.
Since 1956, the Junior League has been the driving force behind the initiatives and institutions that make our community a greater place to live. The Junior League of Pensacola has more than 100 active and more than 300 sustaining members who make a positive impact on children and families in our community every day. Our volunteer projects put our members’ time and talents to work to better the lives of children and families in the Pensacola Bay Area. Our members are dedicated to voluntarism and making a difference in the lives of others. To read a detailed history of the Junior League of Pensacola, please click here.
Our Mission: The Junior League of Pensacola, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.
Our Vision: The Junior League of Pensacola, Inc. will commit its resources and trained volunteers to positively impact the needs of women, children and families in our community.
How does the Junior League of Pensacola make a difference in the community?
The Junior League of Pensacola supports a number of community projects and activities that focus on the needs of children and families in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties. The League partners with various family-centered nonprofit agencies in the community in order to maximize our impact.
How do we fund these projects?
The Junior League of Pensacola is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization which generates funds through public support. Our current annual fundraisers are:
- Red Haute Royale – A fall social event with casino-style games, silent auction, prizes, heavy hors d’oeuvres, drink specials and entertainment.
- Dish It Out — A spring-time tasting and shopping showcase for people who love to eat, cook and entertain.
- Cookbook Sales – The Junior League of Pensacola has two signature cookbooks, the award-winning Some Like It South! and the beautiful coffee-table cookbook By Invitation Only-Artful Entertaining, Southern Style. The books are sold at the Junior League Office, online, and at various wonderful businesses around the community.
- Endowment – A fund to help secure the future of the Junior League of Pensacola and our impact in the community. Once the fund reaches its goal, the interest will provide additional financial support for community projects and administration costs of the League.
Who is eligible for membership in the Junior League of Pensacola?
Junior League membership is open to women of all races, religions and national origins who demonstrate an interest in and a commitment to voluntarism. In 1956, JULEP began with 37 founding members. JULEP members come from all walks of life – corporate executives, business owners, teachers, students, attorneys, physicians and stay-at-home moms. But all members have one thing in common…a heart for building a better community.
To inquire about membership or for general questions about the Junior League,
call 850.433.4421 or email info@juniorleagueofpensacola.org.
SunFarm Energy is a licensed, certified solar contractor dedicated to providing our customers with Turn-Key solar solutions. Headquartered in Pensacola, Florida, SunFarm Energy is dedicated to quality service and achieves this through our gifted team of Installers, Service Technicians, Project Managers, Sales Staff, System Designers, and Company Management. As a leading Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contractor for Commercial, Residential, and Large-Scale clients, we deliver solar solutions that will reduce or eliminate energy costs, create an attractive economic return, and leave our clients feeling satisfied.
About Us
Experience, Technical Knowledge, Professionalism, & Safety
Over the last seven years our company, Coastal ICF, has completed over 80 ICF wall system projects and performed close to 200 concrete wall pours in the Pensacola area. These projects encompass a wide variety of building types, shapes and sizes, each having unique characteristics that represent the many different uses of ICF forms.
We have experience building basements, safe-rooms, and ICF’s built on a wide variety of foundation types which include slab on grade, monolithic, off-grade slabs or “stem-wall”, and elevated slabs on pilings.
We are able to use innovative engineering techniques to push beyond the limitations of wood frame, steel, and concrete block construction.
We began operations building custom ICF homes from the ground up or “turn-key”, but now we specialize in building ICF walls or the entire envelope or “shell” (foundation, ICF walls, and framing). This approach streamlines the construction process by using a single professional subcontractor to complete the three critical structural phases of construction and provides more effective coordination between owners, architects, engineers, builders, subcontractors, and construction officials thus reducing construction time and minimizing potential problems. Time saved is measured in dollars to the customer.
Our mission is to provide the customer with the highest quality service possible for the best value. Our crews are experienced, professional, punctual, and friendly. We promise to keep your jobsite clean and provide you with quality work. Please do not hire an inexperienced ICF installer! After the concrete is poured and hardened mistakes are very expensive to correct. You will not save money in the long run. Also, be aware of out of town subs who typically have poor knowledge of our local codes and insurance requirements.
Our president, Douglas Herrick, is a State Certified Building Contractor with over 10 years experience in the construction industry. He holds an Architecture degree from the University of Colorado and sits on the board of directors of the Northwest Florida Home Builders Association. He is also a member in good standing of the ICFA (Insulating Concrete Form Association) and the ACI (American Concrete Institute). Doug developed his philosophy for hard work, professionalism, and attention to detail while serving as a Naval Aviator with the United States Navy. After his tour was up, Doug apprenticed with a commercial builder, and after obtaining his builder’s license, started his own construction business in 1997.
It is our personal commitment to provide a safe work environment. Not only does this ensure the safety of our workers, it ensures continued productivity, and ultimately protects the consumer.
Please contact us as soon as possible to discuss the option of using Coastal ICF to help you build your new home or office out of ICF. I will review your plans and make an assessment of adaptability to our system and the potential construction costs. I look forward to your call.