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Michael Thomin
Mike Thomin is the manager of the Destination Archaeology Resource Center. He is also a regular writer for the Unearthing Florida radio program broadcast on NPR member stations across the state of Florida. Mike received his B.A. in history from the University of West Florida and is currently seeking a Masters degree in the UWF Public History graduate program with a museum studies specialization. Mike has spent nearly a decade in the museum field, is a Certified Guide with the National Association of Interpretation, and has worked with several organizations on heritage interpretative projects and programs across the state including the Florida Anthropological Society, Florida Division of Historical Resources, Florida State Parks, U.S. Forest Service and the National Park Service. He has curated a number of museum exhibits on a range of diverse topics from piracy in the Gulf of Mexico to the roles women played in Northwest Florida during the Great Depression. He currently serves on FPAN’s Archaeological Tourism Task Force and on the Trail of Florida Indian Heritage Board of Directors. His research interests include Mississippian period southeastern Native Americans, maritime history of the Gulf of Mexico during Florida’s Territorial Period, public history, and public archaeology.
Florida Public Archaeology Network
The Florida Public Archaeology Network’s mission is to promote and facilitate the conservation, study and public understanding of Florida’s archaeological heritage through regional centers. The FPAN Coordinating Center is located in downtown Pensacola while other regional centers are located throughout the state of Florida.
The Northwest Region serves Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Walton, Holmes, Washington, Bay, Jackson, Calhoun, and Gulf Counties.
The Northwest Region of the Florida Public Archaeology Network is hosted by the University of West Florida in Pensacola, and it shares offices with the Network Coordinating Center in the historic L&N Marine Terminal at 207 East Main St.
Archaeology Institute
The Archaeology Institute at the University of West Florida is an educational, research and service facility concerned with the prehistoric and historic archaeological resources of the northwest Florida region. The Institute has a professional staff of nine archaeologists, a computer graphics/GIS analyst, a marine captain/dive safety officer and an office manager. Additional staff and students are regularly employed through grant and contract funds.