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Pensacola Business Radio 10.05.16-Guests: Connie Bookman/Pathways for Change

Saving Lives…. Reducing Crime…..Building Futures
Pathways For Change is committed to our clients and our community. Human transformation is our business; Pathways for Change saves people from the destructive lifestyle too often perpetuated by poverty, abuse of alcohol and other drugs, and lack of education.
Pathways For Change reduces crime on many fronts. We reduce recidivism at a rate of 70 percent, meaning the vast majority of our clients do not go out and commit new crimes. We help young people and families know that they have a future as law-abiding citizens. They do not need to hang with the gang, give up hope or dreams, or settle for a life that is not what God has intended for them.
Pathways For Change builds futures for children by providing a summer camp and an after-school program for middle-school boys and girls. We build futures for families by showing them how to live free of drugs and crime. We build futures of the elderly residents who live right next door to the Family Center; they now have meaningful work to do — volunteering as tutors, mentors, instructors, childcare sitters, librarians, office coordinators. We are reviving a neighborhood, called “homeless town,” working with each other to save lives, increase safety and build futures.
Pathways For Change offers a comprehensive, caring vision. We assess each individual who comes to PFC for help and we offer assistance in whatever areas are needed. all the lacking areas. If we build lives, one at a time, and do it well, we will save a neighborhood and then a community. We depend greatly on our partners and volunteers; that bond allows those individuals to accomplish their own missions. We all benefit.
We believe that the only way to true healing is through the love of God and a daily relationship with Him.
We envision healthy activities, such as a community vegetable garden, with area residents growing and selling their produce. We plan daily exercise classes for children, adults and senior citizens. We see a future that is healthy, ripe with opportunities.
Core Values
• Faith – We believe it is not about us, it is about God’s Leadership.
• Commitment – We show love and compassion for each other and those we serve, as we make a difference in our community.
• Communication – We practice daily, the vital sharing and understanding of information in a safe, nurturing environment.
• Integrity – We deliver transparency in our organization, earning trust and respect.
• Hope – We believe that every life is a life worth saving.
• Stewardship – We make wise and responsible decisions regarding all that we have been given.
• Excellence – We deliver excellence through personal responsibility, accountability and continuous improvement.